There is a list of all the reports on this site here. You can also see lists of the sessions not yet reported on here, and a list of Monday's action sessions here. More recently, this blog has begun to house reports related to the Arts Campaign too

This is what we talked about all weekend:
Wordle: D&D5

Friday, 5 February 2010


This is a list of all the reports on this site. You can also see lists of the sessions not yet reported on here, and a list of Monday's action sessions here

This is what we talked about all weekend:
Wordle: D&D5

001 Collaborating with members of the public

002 How do I explain the value of what I do to my Grandad and other people?

003 Having A Sing

004 What does theatre have to do with video games?

005 How do we keep Theatre Directors creative?

006 Is it more fun to make theatre than to watch it?

007 How can men contribute to feminist theatre?

008 Difficult Times Ahead?

009 Theatre, Film, Television, Digital Media, (Radio!): What do we have to learn from each other- Do we want to?

010 Politics and content in outdoor theatre

011 What is culturally diverse about Theatre?

012 Why are so few creative jobs ever publicly advertised

013 Free Mask Workshops

014 Response Ability

015 Does experimentation depend on access to technology?

016 Is it a problem that, recently, I feel that I do not want to work with, perform for, or even talk to straight people? If yes, are there solutions?

017 Stories and learning

018 Staging a last tango in Paris

019 Why are only 17% of plays produced in the UK by women?

020 Where do all good theatre sets go to die

021 Outdoor Theatre in the Winter

022 How can we use web technologies to help generate communities that love theatre?

023 What is the role of science in theatre?

024 How do we make touring pay?

025 Running a company: where are our support networks?

026 What are directors for?

027 What BIG things do SMALL groups of people do best?

028 Playwrights: a dying species?

029 Solo Show Sharing

030 Would you like to work with me?

031 How do you go about communicating “NON-SENSE” ideas to people who would likely not know what you mean?

032 How can we move beyond novelty in the use of pervasive media technology in theatre

033 Can you design without some idea of the budget?

034 Circus theatre, an oxymoron?

035 Queer theatre

036 How does deaf and disabled theatre attract a mainstream audience?

037 Are there any anarchists in theatre?

038 Babies in theatre

039 Things I found in my pockets and notebook

040 How to get a job in an hour and a half

041 I’d rather be down the pub

042 Canada in theatre or vice-versa?

043 Gate-keepers or obstructions to involvement

044 To let: one state secondary school. What would you do?

045 Writing theatre without writing plays. Playful writing

046 Is theatre political

047 “If I’m a jack of all trades, why do people think I’m a master of none?

048 Stage management- what’s the point?

049 We devised, but I directed?

050 Bunch of Purves? – Criticism

051 How does the phrase “Britain’s finest!” grab you?

052 International touring- looking for some good advice

053 National Theatre. Too much public money?

054 Live Music in Theatre

055 When are we going to stop scratching and make a proper show?

056 How is Edinburgh not impossible?

057 Is art just a way of filling our time or can it change the world?

058 What one idea from outside theatre has most changed your practice inside theatre?

059 ACE: new vision and goals. Let’s make them better?

060 Does theatre still have a social and moral responsibility?

061 Dreamtime: what do you want to create?

062 Is street theatre a pile of rubbish?

063 Producers

064 London Fringe, Edinburgh Fringe, too much fringe?

065 Empty theatre spaces after the recession. What inspires you: we have the space.

066 How can we create permanent ensembles and survive?

067 Why are playwrights discouraged from acting in or directing their own plays?

068 How might we think about desire in relation to theatre?

069 Where audiences are responsible for creating their own performance- what is the role of the artist?

070 Open Space Buildings

071 Access- how do we get better?

072 Lost and unfound: exploring experiences of loss on stage

073 Are we all saying the same thing?

074 One-on-one theatre: who’s in charge here?

075 Can the D&D networking site support and work better?

076 Blame the audience

077 The sectors: Commercial vs. Subsidised

078 Intergenerational work: how do we make and produce?

079 Youth Theatre- how to get them involved?

080 Ethnic theatre?

081 Artists and Freelance Producers- How to begin and build a relationship that works.

082 Should actors (and other artists) be running companies and buildings?

083 What do actors really need to learn?

084 I’m not from here- where do I fit?

085 Process vs. Outcome

086 New Musical Theatre

087 Playwright as scientist

088 Can you still be an artist and be in musical theatre

089 What types of women are we not seeing on stage

090 Open Space- good way to engage with disability?

091 Political correctness- can it be too much?

092 A show about antisocial behaviour and claustrophobia

093 Which job should I do?

094 Transition Towns and Theatre

095 What has D&D done for you?

096 A confessional

097 Walking and Listening in the city (soundwalk)?

098 Session without words but full of passion for theatre

099 Mythology

100 Where are today’s theatre visions for a better tomorrow?


102 Social Networking Systems as a Marketing Tool

103 Am I Too Old?

104 May Contain Devising: I work in devised theatre and have realized I have an allergy to devising

105 Theatre- how can we get as many supporters as football?

106 Honouring the elders

107 Courage to act

108 INTERCONTINENTAL aka How can artists (and audiences) collaborate meaningfully and remotely between different continents?

109 Does it matter to us who’s in the next government?

110 A crafty sign

111 Keeping the space open online

112 Speaking Doubt to power: How could theatre play a greater role in policymaking?

1 comment:

  1. The "plaque" mentioned just above is actually a modest headstone in Hammersmith Old Cemetery. It has the words...

    "In Loving Memory of Roy Byford, Actor, Died 31st January 1939, Aged 66 years".

    One of the various things I like about it is the proud definition of the man's life by the word 'actor'. It speaks to me. It reminds me that despite the many hardships and sacrifices one makes to pursue an acting career, it remains a tradition and a calling that I am proud to follow.
